Wednesday, November 5, 2014

ITE Chapter 1 Review

Review for test week 11/9

  • What is the difference between RAM and ROM
  • What are the different types of ROM
  • Discuss input and out devices
  • Which HDD provides the best performance - EIDE or SDD and why?
  • What is considered magnetic media - find it in the backroom
  • Find 4 differenty types of expansion cards and explain their purpose
  • Motherboard Tour!!!
    • Expansion Slots
    • CPU types, Sockets, Function and architecture
    • Chipsest
  • Power Supply
    • Selection considerations
    • Voltages
    • Connectors
  • Ohm's Law - draw a circuit to explain the formula
  • Memory chart from fig. 2
  • List the different DVI types and their purpose
  • Fill out worksheet for the cables
  • Fill out worksheet on graphics
  • Reference find the cables in the classroom
  • What is formfactor
  • Create a graphical representation of RAID 0, RAID 1,  RAID 5 and RAID 1+0
  • What is the unit of measure for the following components
    • HDD
    • PSU
    • CPU

Monday, October 6, 2014

List Applications

List Applications
  1. Watch the video below entitled "List Applications." The link to the slides is just above the video.
  2. There are many application areas where lists can be beneficial. A short example program that plays a short song/jingle is created in this lesson (watch the video "Playing a song with two parallel lists"). Can you identify this song (be the first to post to Piazza - but please check whether someone else has already posted)? This program creates a block called playSong that receives two parameters as input - a list of notes, and a corresponding list representing the duration of each note. The meaning is that the note found in a particular index of the list "notes" is played by the duration indicated using the same index into the "duration" list (e.g., when index is 2, note 65 will be played for a duration of 0.15 seconds). The playSong block is called twice with the same parameters with a brief rest between each iteration. Study the code in the video and on slide 2 of "List Applications" - notice how the index loops over the length of the notes, and how the "play note" block is called by retrieving both the note and the duration from the two parallel lists. If you would like to understand more about how to play notes in Snap!, please check out the following web page (suggested by Bucky Garner) that lists the note values.
  3. Snap! provides a pre-existing block called "contains" that will return a Boolean value based on whether a certain item is contained within a specific list. However, in some cases, it may be useful to know the specific location in the list where an item appears, beyond just whether it exists in the list (e.g., it may be helpful to know that a specific student name is found at index 3 in a studentNames list to allow for further processing of that student). Watch the video below entitled "Searching for the location of an item in a list." Study the code that appears in this video (and on slide 4 of the presentation) and observe the check for the item in the loop using the "if" statement. Also, notice how the value of the index is reported back to the caller when the item is found, or else reported back as -1 when all of the list items have been exhausted without a successful search. Try to follow the logic of this code - ask questions on Piazza or Hangouts if this is not clear to you how it works.

Planning Ahead 

 Reusable software is very important to improve productivity and even correctness of software. Procedural abstraction allows us to create our own blocks that are generalized for many different contexts of usage. This lesson explored the benefits of customized blocks and also introduced the concept of lists. Make sure that you study the various list examples in this lesson and notice the pattern that is often used for iterating over a list (see point 4 above in the "Lists" section that mentions the parts of this pattern).

 The next lesson will be focus on two case studies that help guide you into creating more detailed programs than what we have seen in the past lessons. You will create a maze game through a guided video, and then you will be asked to create a version of Snappy Bird by following the instructions on a 30-page tutorial. Before you move forward to the next lesson, please make sure that you understand the general programming concepts previously introduced in the lessons of Unit 3.


From csp4hs - summer 2014


  1. Watch the video below entitled "Lists." The link to the slides is just above the video.
  2. As noted in the last lesson, variables are used to store the values of computations that are made in a program. Our past look at variables considered only a single variable that contained a single value. There are many occasions when a programmer may want to group a set of values into a single variable name (e.g., a list of class grades, a sequence of notes for a song, the list of high scores for a game), rather than storing each value separately (e.g., grade1, grade2, ..., grade20). If we had to store each value in a separate variable, our programs would become complex (imagine over 1000 different variables to store the notes of a song). A data structure allows us to group information together into a single variable that can be created and manipulated. Lists are a specific type of data structure in Snap! that allow a programmer to store a sequence of values that can be individually indexed through a common variable name. In Snap!, each element in a list is indexed, starting at index location 1. For example, on slide 2 of the "Lists" presentation below, index location 1 is an "Apple" and index location 5 is "Grape." The index locations of -1 and 6 are undefined in the example on slide 2.
  3. Go to Snap! and look at the Variables palette, making note of the various blocks that can process lists (see slide 3 of the presentation below). These blocks can be used to create, delete, add, insert at specific location, determine the length of a lists, and access values from a list. Using a loop, it is possible to iterate over all of the elements of a list and perform some special computation.
  4. Watch the video "Printing the contents of a list" located below. Notice that there are three key parts to this program, which you will often find in most code that processes a list: 1) Creation and initialization of a loop counter (often called "index" or "counter"), 2) a repeat loop that iterates over the length of a list, 3) some access to the list through blocks like "item of", and 4) within the loop, an update to the loop counter to move to the next element in the list (often done with the "change" block in Snap!). Study the program that says "C S P 4 H S" and make sure that you understand the list blocks that are used and how they work in conjunction with the repeat loop.
  5. Watch the video "Summing a list of numbers" located below. This program creates a new Reporter block (called sum) that receives a list of integers as input and returns the sum of all the numbers in the list. The benefit of using a list is that sum can be called with an arbitrary number of integers - it can compute the sum of 10 numbers as easily as it can computer the sum of 100 numbers. There is nothing fixed in the block definition that ties it to a specific size of the list (the use of the length block enables this benefit). In the code of the block, in addition to the loop index counter, there is also a variable called tempSum that is used to keep track of the running sum of the list numbers. Make sure you understand how this block works by tracing out a sample list input and how the values of index and tempSum change during the iteration over the list. After the sum of the list is computed in tempSum, notice that the value is reported back to the caller. A sample program that uses the sum block is also shown in this video, which simply sums the values of a small set of integers and says the value to the screen.

Customized Blocks and Lists

From csp4hs - summer 2014 session

Lesson Objectives

Thus far, we have used Snap! blocks that were already existing and provided to us as part of the core Snap! language. There are many situations that may arise when a programmer needs to define their own blocks to support customized features that their program needs. The ability to customize blocks is very important to support the concept of software reuse. We do not want to reinvent the wheel each time we need a special feature in our program - creating a customized block allows us to use the block in many different contexts, saving us time and also helping to make our programs more correct (i.e., we can put extra effort in making sure a block is correct, and then reuse the block in many other contexts). In this lesson, we will learn how to make our own blocks in Snap!
Another topic covered in this lesson is an introduction to a basic data structure known as a list. In Snap! and other programming languages, a list can be used to store a collection of common values in a single variable name. For example, if a program needed to store the grades for a class of 20 students, rather then have 20 separate variables for each student, a list allows us to create a single variable name that contains all of the grades together. We also learn in this lesson how to create and manipulate lists in Snap!, and consider several contexts where lists may be used.
All of the example programs shown in the primary presentations are also coded in other videos that you can watch below. Make sure that you do not just watch the videos - try to program the examples yourself in Snap! by following along with the video screen shot.

Lesson Tasks

Please consider the following sequence of topics for this lesson on blocks and lists:
Building Your Own Blocks
  1. Watch the video below entitled "Build Your Own Blocks." The link to the slides is just above the video.
  2. Consider our original starting point in earlier lessons of this unit that focused on simply drawing a square. The code to draw a square served the purpose of illustrating basic Snap! commands (e.g., move), but this code was not very useful because it assumed a specific type of shape with a fixed length of sides. This lesson progresses through a series of generalizations where the core square code is made more reusable by adding parameters to the block that aid in specialization. For example, the fixed length of the square is removed such that the caller of the block can specify a specific length. By abstracting out the length of the side of the square, we can now reuse the block to draw squares of any size. However, drawing a square in itself is not so interesting. The next progression in this lesson is to abstract the number of sides, which will create a more general drawShape block. The caller of drawShape can specify not only the length of sides, but also the number of sides. This allows a very general block that can draw everything from a triangle to a circle.
  3. Watch the video entitled "From square to drawShape" below, which shows how blocks are created in Snap! When teaching this lesson, it is very important to draw your student's attention to the importance of procedural abstraction and how it can allow us to create more general blocks that can be reused in many contexts (e.g., drawShape has many more options for reuse than a square block of a fixed size - there are just not many places where a fixed square would need to be reused compared to a more general drawShape). The concept of procedural abstraction allows programmers to create libraries of software that can be reused in future contexts that may not have even been anticipated when the block was designed initially. When introducing this to your students, guide them through the same progression of a very fixed program (the first square) through the drawShape block, pointing out along the way how each new evolution of the block can support a larger number of contexts. Help them to understand how a block can be generalized by abstracting the essential parts of a shape (i.e., its length and number of sides).
  4. Make sure that you understand the power of procedural abstraction and how this can be implemented in Snap! with customized blocks. You should also understand the different types of blocks: Command blocks just perform an action and do not return a result (like drawShape); Reporter blocks return a value (sort of like a mathematical function); and Predicate blocks are like Reporters, except the return type is limited to a Boolean value (i.e., they only return true or false). Blocks can also receive parameters, which provide input to a block during its computation. Parameters can be of different types, as shown in the slides and videos below. Parameters can be placed in post-fix notation (e.g., the length and number of sides appearing after drawShape) or in-fix notation (e.g., the appearance of the "<=" operator between the parameters, as shown in a video below). Watch the video entitled "Max and Less-Equal," which shows how a Reporter (that is post-fix) and Predicate (that is in-fix) are created, respectively.

Monday, September 22, 2014

9/24/14 - Snap! Variables

  When writing a program, we often need to store the value of some important concept used in our program, such as the value resulting from an intermediate computation. A variable is a concept in programming languages that allows us to associate a value with a symbolic name that can be used at different places in our program. There are specific rules for naming a variable, as mentioned on slide 2. It is important to assign the name of a variable as something that the variable represents. We often name our variables starting with a lower case letter. Sometimes, the best name may be more than one word, as in currentTaxYear or birthDate. In such cases, it is a convention to use what is called Camel Case, where the additional word is capitalized. These are just suggested conventions and not really the rules of Snap!

Try solving the exercise on slide 4 ("Variables" video) on your own, without looking at the answer on the later slides. The presentation offers two solutions to the "swap" concept. Do you understand these?

The last slide of the "Variables" video introduces the concept of a data type. It is helpful at times to know what values a particular variable can represent, such as numbers, strings, or other types of values. We will talk more about data types in a future lesson in this unit as it relates to creating our own blocks and being able to pass in values to those blocks.

The video below that will show you how to create variables in Snap!, including a solution to the swap exercise presented on slide 4.

9/22/15 - Snap! Core Programming Structures

Lesson Objectives
  This lesson introduces the three core structures that can be found in programming languages: sequence, decision/conditional (if), and iteration (loops) constructs. An important concept in conditional and iteration statements is that of a Boolean expression. The lesson will introduce comparison (relational) and Boolean (logical) operators that can be composed to express statements that are evaluated to true or false. The ability to express Boolean expressions is core to the test conditions of decision and iteration statements. Programs also need to store values as they perform a computation. The ability to declare variables, and the notion of data types, are also discussed in this lesson. You are encouraged to type in all of the examples in the slides/presentations/videos yourself in Snap! and try to get them to work. Overall, this lesson will take much more time to complete than past lessons if you decide to follow along and try out all of the programs on your own. Those who have taught computer science before will likely find these lessons as fundamental, but the context of presentation within Snap! may be offer new ideas. 

Class Exercise - Decision Structure - grade converter from video

     Compose the solution using if/then and boolean expressions

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lesson Plans Comp 2 and 3 9/16/14

Today you will work on the 1st 2 sections of the Computer Science programming piece.  

1.  Understand what software engineering is and why it is important to thoughtfully plan out you program before coding it.

2.  Get acquainted with  Snap! and code a small program or two.

Introduction to Networking

Download the newest version of packet tracer and get it running on your Mac.  I have found that wine wrap has been the most stable.  Work with each other to figure it out.

Recap last weeks work -

End Device
Intermediary Device
Networking Media
Clients and Servers
Peer to Peer
Physical Topology
Logical Topology

Chapter 1 Objectives:

Continue to read Chapter 1  starting with and take notes

Lab  Converged Networks

Pay attention to Internet, Intranet and Extranet

Cont. to read 1.2.4 (Connecting to the Internet) and do the packet tracer exercise

1.3 (Converged Networks) and the Lab

1.4 The Changing Network Environment

It is OK if you decide that you would like to spend more time on the programming piece today.

You may spend some time creating a proposal for the middle school Hour of Code.

Section 2 - Snap! Overview

Snap! Overview

Lesson Objectives

  Before learning about some of the general constructs used in programming that are covered in the rest of Unit 3, this lesson provides a general overview of the Snap! environment. You will create two short programs, and learn how to store your own programs in several different ways. The lesson is composed of a short video that you are encouraged to follow as you build your own similar programs and become comfortable with the Snap! browser-based environment. There are many things that will not be covered in this lesson. In fact, the entire unit will not cover every concept in Snap!. Our goal is to provide you with a set of experiences that allow you to understand some of the core ideas in programming, such that you have the confidence to then explore more on your own.

  When learning a new foreign language, I have observed that it is easier to read in that language than to write in the same language. It seems that understanding something already provided is easier than synthesizing something new on your own. It takes practice to be able to write new expressions in a foreign language. I have found the same to be true in learning how to program. It is often the case that students can understand a program that is given to them much better than they can actually produce that same program on their own. The potential trap is to think that some proficiency in reading and understanding a program is the same as creating a new program on your own. In the same way that it takes practice to be able to write and speak in a new foreign language, you must practice and go through some hands-on activities in order to grasp the skill of programming on your own. It will be very tempting to look at a program provided to you, understand it, and think that you could produce that yourself. We encourage you instead to get involved with the coding activities that will be suggested in this unit that are designed to give you more practice in developing your programming skills, which will assist you in teaching your own future students about programming.

Lesson Tasks

Please work on the following during your exploration of this lesson:

Visit the Snap! website and look around at some of the information provided by the Snap! team. A gentle warning - there is a Snap! reference manual available. However, we suggest that you wait until the end of this unit before you try to read the manual. The Snap! manual has several advanced concepts that are discussed very early in the manual. The manual may be more accessible to those who already teach computer science, but the reference manual may be challenging to understand at first for a new CS Principles teacher who has never programmed before.

Watch the video linked below. There are no slides for this lesson. A suggestion is to first watch the video, and then come back to the subsequent steps below to review the video and try some hands-on activities.

Go to the URL that actually runs Snap! in the browser: Be adventurous and explore around - you won't break anything important at this stage! Look at the different categories in the palette area, and how new blocks emerge when you click on each category. Can you guess what some of the blocks might do? Can you summarize in your own words what some of the categories represent as a theme? For example, what is the core theme of the blocks in the Motion category?

Try duplicating the "Hello World" program that is introduced at the first minute mark of the video. Pause the video in one tab of your browser, and try to duplicate what is being done in your own Snap! environment. Try to run your program by clicking on the green flag.

Explore the various ways that you can save this program. First, export the program as an XML on your desktop. Can you see where the file was then added to the Desktop? Try to then create a New project in Snap! that is empty, and then see what happens if you then import your saved program back into Snap! This file is not intended to be read by humans, but just an internal representation of your program that Snap! can read and write. The XML format (Extensible Markup Language) is a very important standard for sharing information, and is used by Snap! as a representation for storing your program.

Click on the cloud button at the top of the Snap! screen. You may want to try to create your own account by signing up (there is a sign-up button that you can click, which will generate an email to you with account information). This is not necessary now, but will be useful later.
Create a new project in Snap! (the "New" option in the file icon at the top of the screen). Then, try to create the square drawing program on your own that is introduced in the second half of the video. In particular, experiment with the "duplicate" block option that is shown in the video as a way to save time in dragging and dropping blocks (time 5:20 in the video). Were you able to get the ability to ask the user for the size of each side? Do you see how more general that makes your program, rather than drawing a square of the same size each time? We will come back to this idea in a future lesson in this unit.

Congratulations - some of you who may have never programmed before just created your first two (albeit very simple!) programs!

Please note: If the video below appears blurry, please allow time for the full resolution to download as a stream. You may also want to try viewing all of the Snap! screencasts that are in this unit in Full Screen mode, or in a separate browser tab.

Watch the video below!!!

Section 1 - programming design

CS Programming:

Interesting video on what a software engineer does and the software development process.

Lesson Objectives

There is often the tendency to want to rush into software development by going straight to programming without giving much thought to the requirements and design of their program. Although this may be tempting for smaller programs, this is not the best practice for creating quality software. In this lesson, we first consider an overview of several basic concepts (e.g., hardware, software, memory and storage, and programming languages) and then cover the various phases traditionally performed in software development. Particular emphasis is made on the need for planning, with several examples of disasters (some related to software, and some from other domains) resulting from poor planning before implementation. The rest of this unit is focused on programming, but it is important for you to understand that it is not wise to jump into coding without some forethought.

Lesson Tasks

1.  Watch this video.  It is geared towards the  instructor, but Prof. Gray talks about what programs and software languages are, how your computers processes them and the importance of planning.

2. Software development has often been described as a mixture of art and engineering. This lesson focuses on the engineering of software and the need to plan and design a program before implementing it in code. The compelling reason that is given in this lesson is the potential hazards resulting from software failure, such as the Ariane 5 disaster cited in the slides. The somewhat surprising (or maybe not!) reality is that software fails often, and in various degrees of calamity. To demonstrate the ever present failures of software, a VERY STRONG suggestion is to look over the Risks to the Public that are compiled by Peter Neumann. Similar to the ACM TechNews, this compiled weekly list of software errors could be a topic for current events discussion. For example, this lesson is assigned during the voting season for Primary elections - there is a topic from June 6th related to the problems associated with fraud in online voting.

Take a look at the current entries.  Which article caught you attention?

3. Review the 5 phases of software design and compare to the version presented in the video.

Have you used a similar process when creating other projects?  

I do something very similar when designing a woodworking project.\:
  What are my bench requirements (size, weight load, style)
   Design the bench
   Build it
   Does it  do what I wanted it to
    Does it meet my requirements?

4. Huge failures is design:

  Tacoma Bridge    and video    You may have seen this physics

  Ariane 5     and video   

5.  Related to the above idea of the types of errors associated with a program, make sure that you understand the difference between the syntax of a language and its semantics. Regarding syntax,  a compiler parses a program to make sure that the program conforms to the correct rules of a programming language. For the purpose of this course, the parsing of a program can be likened to the activity of diagramming sentences in an English class - the compiler must be able to determine that the program conforms to the grammar of the language. The semantics of the language refers to the specific meaning ascribed to the language operators and constructs. A program may be syntactically correct, but semantically wrong, which can lead to a logic error.

What type of error was the Ariane 5?

6. Of the development steps presented in the video, which step do you think takes the longest?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Networking - 6 June 2014

In preparation for the NOCTI test:

Visit  blue print for Computer Networking Fundamentals.

What do we need to recap?

        IP Subnetting IPv4    Netacad CT3 Chapter 9

                  classful vs. classless IP addressing

        IPv6 addressing  (components and compression)

         OSI vs  TCP

         EIA/TIA standards

         Common Ports  (make some flashcards)

         CLI commands - netstat commands may need a review

          Routing and Switching

          Network Architecture :  Access Core, distribution

          WAN, LAN MAN  WLAN  etc...

          conversion hex, decimal, binary

           Configure DHCP and DNS

Thursday, June 5, 2014

IT Essentials - Chapter 9 test topics

Inkjet speed factors
Connection types
How does a thermal printer work
laser jet steps 9.2.1
printer sharing
trouble shooting - bad cable
PnP win 7
default printing
printer sharing
wireless printing
global vs per document
post script
preventative maintenance
laser printers

Friday, May 30, 2014

Intro - 30 May 2014

I know that you have been working with Java, but I want you to switch gears today.

You are going to work with C today.

This site has really good video tutorials in Course 1.

Course 2 provides some basic programs to write.

Begin to watch the videos in Course 1.

This site differs from code academy and combat code because it explains the why and how, not just copy the code.

Feel free to try out a course 2 program.

ITE - 30 May 2014

Finish your test corrections and email them to

Chapter 9 - Printers  

Read 9.0, 9.1 and 9.2

Watch the 4.1 Printer Types videos and taking notes and creating a table of characteristics and pros and cons.  Paper is on the corner of my desk.

Partner up - Read 9.3/ Watch 4.2 Installing Printers
Grab a printer - brother in front of my desk, one from the back room...

Install it one one of my computers.  You may have to download the drivers.

Read 9.4 do Lab

9.5 Maintenance

Did you know that some printer manufacturers have their own technician certifications?

Do Lab - email to me and be ready to share.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

ITE - Chapter 1-6 Review

23 May 2014

You will be taking the Chapter 1 - 6 Check point test on Wednesday the 28th of May.

Topics for Review:

Battery disposal
RFI/EMI causes and avoidance
64 bit vs 32 bit OS
HDD utilities
      file systems
Boot order
Troubleshooting - steps
      wired and wireless connectivity
        Bootup issues
Selecting expansion cards
DHCP vs. manual addressing and APIPA
OSI vs TCP/IP model
Network connectivity - DSL, ISDN, Cellular
Peripheral connectors / common ports - Speed, types, characteristics
Post, beeps and bootup
Preventative Maintenance - schedule/routine
Wireless best practices
Disk Management

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

ITE 21 May 2014

Chapter 8 Review       Mobile Devices

Downloading apps:
    Google Play, iTunes
     push, pull, side loading

Device buttons and system functionality

Security 8.4.2

Components:  Flash, Sim, Batteries

Touch screen technology

Trouble shooting - review common problems and repair options


Rooting and Jailbreaking

Cell Standards - 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G

email protocols

Take some time to review the above topics and your test feedback then retake chapter 8

Start chapter 9 - Printers

Read 9.0, 9.1 and 9.2
Take notes and creat a table of characteristics, pros and cons
Sketch out the printing process of a laser jet.

Read 9.3
Grab a printer - brother in front of my desk, one from the back room, the one under the windows, .....
Install it one one of my computers.  You may have to download the drivers.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Chapter 5 Review - Ethernet - CCNA

Review questions for Chapter 5

MAC addresses
Access methods - Contention based vs. Non-contention based
LLC vs MAC sublayers
Ethernet Frame
Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast addressing
ARP - review all of it
Switch Buffering technologies
Fixed vs modular switches
Layer 3 switching function and configuration
CSMA\CD and \CA pros and cons
Switching technologies - store and forward vs. cut through

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Connor - 16 April 2014


Chapter 4:

Lab: - you can convert it to a packet tracer lab

Read: 4.2    
Do:  Activity

Read 4.3
Do Activity

Packet Tracer :

Thursday:  We will start Chapter 5 Inter-VLAN Routing

Sunday, April 13, 2014

14 April 2014 - Networking for IT Essentials

Let's finish making cables.
  Follow lab use a piece of masking tape to label the cable w your name.
  Packet tracer

Review logical and physical topologies - 6.5.1
  Packet tracer

Ethernet standards 6.6
IEEE 802.3 = CSMA/CD  what is that?

Create a table of wireless standards

Read and take notes on 6.7 & do the end of section activity.

OSI Model video link.  Use to take notes.

A good reference 

Today we will complete our rendering of the OSI model on the wall.

Create your own mnuemonic for OSI - Make a poster listing network installation steps - use words, pictures.....
  Everyone can make their own on a sheet of 8 x 11

Keep reading about NIC installation - we only have 2 wireless NICs. Do the Packet tracer lab.

Monday, April 7, 2014

7 April 2014 - Initial Switch Configuration

Initial Switch Configuration

  • Set hostname
  • Set privileged EXEC mode password (enable password xxxxx)
  • Set privileged EXEC mode secret password (enable secret xxxxx)
  • Configure the console and VTY lines to use a password
  • Configure the Switch Management Interface on VLAN1
  •                  interface vlan1
  •                  set the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway
  • Save Configuration

Initial Router Configuration

  • Set hostname
  • Disable DNS - (no ip domain-lookup)
  • Set privileged EXEC mode password (enable password xxxxx)
  • Set privileged EXEC mode secret password (enable secret xxxxx)
  • Configure MOTD
  • Configure the console and VTY lines to use a password
  • Configure interfaces and static routing
  •                fastethernet or gigabit
  •                serial - don't forget clock rate for DCE side
  • Create static route (ip route )
  • Save Configuration

Configure a Routing Protocol
  • remove static route
  • enable routing protocol

Monday, March 31, 2014

31 March 2014 - ITE

DHCP - Dynamic  Host Control Protocol


Lab -

Lab -

          Download Packet Tracer for this lab

IPv6 Videos
     IPv6 1 of 3
     IPv6 2 of 3
     IPv6 3 of 3

Networking Devices and their characteristics.

Common Ports and Protocols 6.3.3

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

25 March 2015 - ITE

Wrapping up Chapter 5 - Operating Systems

The quarter ends this Friday.   I will accept test corrections for Chapter 5.  Review each missed question and write a short response with the correct answer.  You may physically turn it in or share with by Friday.  

If you need to take the test, make arrangements with me to come in during a study hall or after school.

Introduction to Networking

This one of my favorite chapters!

We will be learning:

  •     The Principles of networking
  • Types of Networks
  • Basic networking concepts and technologies
  • physical components of a network
  • topologies
  • ethernet standards
  • OSI and TCP/IP model
  • configure a NIC
  • technologies used for connectivity
  • network PMs
  • troubleshooting networks

Today's focus will be:

  • What is network?
  • What are the benefits of networking?
  • Does it have drawbacks?
  • Types of networks - We will cover 7 types.
New Terms:
  • network
  • compper cable
  • fiber-optic cable
  • host
  • wireless connection
  • internet
  • LAN
  • PAN
  • WLAN
  • MAN
  • WAN
  • network administration
  • peer to peer computing
  • client/server network
  • QoS

Monday, March 24, 2014

24 March 2014 - Routing

We are going old school today .... The site is down.

Todays topics:

crossover cables - build one

Router boot up process

reading the show version output

     look at wikipedia Cisco IOS for further info on understanding versions

static vs dynamic routing
     Routing Tables
      reading the show ip route command

encapsulation  HDLC, Frame Relay, PPP
hdlc, ppp, frame relay

Routing Protocols:

primary object is to determine the best patch to include in the routing table

May use one of the following metrics:  Hop Count (RIP) or Bandwidth (OSPF)

Path Determination:
     Directly connected network  (destination address in on same network as interface)
     Remote network (destination is on a remote network - packet forwarded to another router)
     No route determined (drops packet, send ICMP unreachable message to source)

The switching function of the router accepts the packet on one interface and forwards it out another.

          decapsulates layer 3 packet removing Layer 2 frame header and trailer
          examines IP address to find best route
          encapsulates Layer 3 packet in new Layer 2 frame and sends it out

     Layer 3 packet does not change except for the TTL.  Layer 2 updates source and destination data-link addresses.

clip on routers and routing

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

19 March 2014 - Intro

Enough of the Alice Already!!!!!

I really liked the stories you have developed so far.  Feel free to continue to work on them.

We are moving onto independent programming.

Timmy (and Dustin)-  x code

Mikey - Visual Studio

Jonathan - Javascript

Dylan - Javascript

Micah - exploring options

Leave a comment about what you learned today!

Monday, March 17, 2014

13 - 14 March 2014 - Chapter 5 OS

Chapter 5 wrap up.

These two days are perfect to make sure that you have done all of the reading and labs.  Check out the previous post.

Read  Preventative Maintenance Plan Contents


Read  Scheduling


Read  Restore Points


Read  Hard Drive Backups

Trouble Shooting:

You are going to jigsaw this section

Break into Groups of Two.  Each group chooses a step of the troubleshooting process.

As each group reports out fill out the provided form.

Group up and quiz each other on Common Problems and Solutions.
Pick a couple of challenging ones to present to the class.

Review the Study Guide on the last post.  Work with each other to ensure that you understand the topics.

Chapter 5 jeopardy

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

11 March 2014 - ITE

We are wrapping up Chapter 5 - Operating Systems.

Plan on testing out of Chapter 5 next week!!!

Backup options can be a bit confusing:

full vs differential vs incremental.....

The following links will augment - Hard Drive Backup

proprofs backup comparison

Please watch the professor Messer video and take notes.  Lets us this app to take notes:

We will finish Labs today.  We are down to trouble shooting and common problems.  We will tack those on Friday.

Chapter 5 Study Guide

  • partitions - Go to drive manager review types of partitions and disk utilities
  • Function of an OS - 4 things all OSs do
  • Installation types (Clean, Upgrade, Recovery) when would you upgrade rather than use a clean, etc...
  • Boot sequence
  • Registry hives, back up of registry
  • Converting file systems
  • NTFS vs FAT
  • Virtual box, requirements and uses, types (1 & 2)
  • Administrative Tools
  • Control Panel applets
  • Scheduling tasks - AT
  • UAC
  • Backup vs Restore poing
  • Trouble Shooting common problems
  • Resolving compatibility issues (5.6.2)
  • Safemode
Make sure you read the summary at the end of the chapter.
Come to class with question about Labs you found challenging

Friday, March 7, 2014

7 March 2014 - ITE

Quiz!!!!   on Chapter 5 so far.

Complete Hand out containing the following fun stuff!!:

Name: Turn in this sheet!!!!!
Today's Work:
I have completed from last class:
put a check mark if done – make note of problems



I have read 5.3 Window GUI and Control Panel Yes No

I actually followed the path to see the utilities in

I have done Lab



System Tools:

How do you get to the Computer Management screen?

Read: Yes No
What are the 5 service states?



Thursday, February 27, 2014

27 Feb 2014 - Intro to Programming

Over the last couple classes you have explored Alice and created your first Alice programs.

Today you are going to complete an Alice scavenger hunt.  Don't forget to look in the web gallery.

Alice Scavenger Hunt (pdf)
Scavenger Hunt in .doc format

Either fill out the .doc and email it to me ( ) or print the pdf and turn it in.

Last class, I asked you to create a storyboard and to share your story.  You have developed some very creative stories that will be shared next class.

Today you will create another storyboard using this template

The purpose of this assignment:

  • The importance of storyboarding - visual representation of your program to ensure you have included all elements and have provided smooth transitions between ideas
  • Explore the tools Alice has to offer
  • Time Management
                   You have 20 minutes to complete the Scavenger Hunt
                                    15 minutes to Print and prepare your storyboard
                                     45 minutes to create you storyboard and start programming
  • Comment on one new feature that you learned from this project today
  • Have fun with this project!!


You are a college student making a presentation to your Computer 
Information Systems Professor. She has asked you to make a presentation 
to introduce yourself to the class. You will create a story board of your 
introduction. You will create a 2-minute multimedia introduction of yourself 
using the Alice Programming software. 


1. Learning to Program With Alice, Chapter 2 Program Design & Implementation
pages 19-25
2. Storyboard Handout
3. Alice Programming Software

What Do I Do? 

1. Review Chapter 2 pages 19-25
2. Create a story board demonstrating that:
     a. You know how to plan a presentation to fit your target audience
     b. You know how to organize a presentation to “get attention”
     c. You know how to use visuals that are appropriate to your target audience
     d. You know how to develop bridges and transitions between key points.
     e. You know how to include audio, text, graphics, and video is in a
          multimedia production.

27 Feb 2014 - IC3 Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Software and Hardware Interaction


  • Understand how hardware and software interact
  • Explain how a software program works
  • Track software development
  • Compare application software and system software
  • Identify options for software distribution
  • algorithm
  • application software
  • beta testing
  • bundleware
  • flowchart
  • inputting
  • network license
  • operating system
  • patch
  • service pack
  • single-user license
  • software
  • software as a service
  • software development
  • software license
  • software piracy
  • system software
  • update
  • upgrade
  • web application
  • 1-115 Step by Step 6.1 using open office
  • 1-121 Step by Step 6.2
  • Read Summary
  • 1-125 Lesson Review
  • Project 6-1
(From IT Essentials Chapter 5)
To understand the capabilities of an operating system, it is important to first understand some basic terms. The following terms are often used when describing operating systems:
  • Multi-user - Two or more users have individual accounts that allow them to work with programs and peripheral devices at the same time.
  • Multitasking - The computer is capable of operating multiple applications at the same time.
  • Multiprocessing - The operating system can support two or more CPUs.
  • Multithreading - A program can be broken into smaller parts that are loaded as needed by the operating system. Multithreading allows different parts of a program to be run at the same time.
All computers rely on an OS to provide the interface for the interaction between users, applications, and hardware. The OS boots the computer and manages the file system. Operating systems can support more than one user, task, or CPU.
  • Job Skills

27 Feb 2014 - IC3 Lesson 5

Zach - Finish chapter 5 - Computer Related Issues
Don - Continue with Chapter 4

Chapter 5

  • Follow the Problem Solving Process
  • Implement solutions
  • Identify computer issues for consumers
  • Discard equipment responsibly

  • Linux PC
  • problem solving
  • support agreement
  • troubleshooting 
  • useful life
  • waranty

  • 1-106 Lesson Review
  • 1-107 Project 5-1
  • 1-107 Project 5-2

An article on the affect of e waste on developing countries

Do you think we have a moral responsibility to these countries?

The webpage on recycling

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

27 Feb 2014 - PC Repair

Continuing from Tuesday.......

Finish up system tools:

Read - System Information

Do - or which ever OS your system is running

Read -  Remote Desktop

Do -

Read - Windows 7 Unique Utilities

Command Line Tools

Read -  Windows CLI Commands

Do -

Read -   Run Line Utility   -    Step through all of the utilities


Client Side Virtualization


This article may explain the advantages of virtualization better than Cisco

This is a comparison of free virtualization software -

know the difference between type 1 and type 2 hypervisor:

Do Lab - Install Virtual PC

Files required for the lab:


Windows XP Mode -

You can use windows virtual PC or try one of the other free virtualization software packages listed in the above article

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

26 Feb 2014 -- CCNA switchin

Spend about 20 minutes doing some subnetting questions - work with each other to make sure everyone understands.

Try :

         It is not timed

Finish the Lab

Read  5.3 LAN Switches if you have not already done so

Review the 2 different switching methods with Heath and go through a couple switching exercises.

Focus on 5.3.3 Layer 3 Switching


  • Layer 2 versus Layer 3 Switching
  • Cisco Express Forwarding 
  • Types of Layer 3 Switches
  • Configure a routed port on a layer 3 switch
Do: Packet Tracer - Configure Layer 3 Switches.  Screen shot and share your score sheet with me.

Switching courses:  It appears that the Skills competition is using the routing and switching essentials course.  I have enrolled you all in the course.

Open   Switching/Routing 

Chapter 1:  Introduction to Switched networks  Covers LAN Design
  • 1.1.1 Converged Networks - much of this you know
  • Review elements of a converged network
  • New -  Borderless Switched Network
  • New - Hierarchy in the Borderless Switched Network
  • Review
  • Activity
  • Can you successfully do
  • Review Domains in, and
  • Do

Chapter 2 - Basic Switch Configuration - gets you ready to configure VLANS in Chapter 3
  • 2.1.2 Configure Switch Ports
  • 2.2 Switch Security
Chapter 3 is all about VLANS

Friday, February 7, 2014

7 Feb 2014 - CCNA

Welcome Back! 

This morning we will begin with a review of the OSI Model, an opportunity to retake chapter 3.
We will review Binary and hex conversions and end with a round of subnetting.

We are skipping around the curriculum a little bit, but this is a necessary component of the SkillsUSA Internetworking Competition.  Although Connor is the only one competing, you will all need to know this information.

  • Make sure we have a concrete understanding of the OSI Layers
  • Successfully convert binary, hexadecimal and decimal 
  • How to identify reasons t use a subnet mask
  • How to distinguish betweena default subnet mask and a custom subnet
  • What given requirements determine the subnet mask, number of subnets and useable hosts
  • How to use the ANDing process to determine if a destination IP address is local or remot
  • How to identify valid and invalid IP host addresses based on a network number and subnet mask


Compare the Cisco subnetting 'how to' to Brad Reese's.  Which do you prefer?

Cisco Chapters 8 (addressing) and 10

Thursday, January 30, 2014

3 February 2014 - CCNA

Network Protocols and Communications Summary:

Sums it up quite nicely:

Test!!!!! on protocols and communication!!!


  • Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast 
  • Protocol rules:  Message timing, Flow control (size), Message format, Delivery options
  • Characteristics of TCP and UDP
  • Protocol Stack
  • Proprietary Protocols vs. Open Standards
  • Standards Organizations
  • Advantages of a layered model
  • TCP - OSI - PDU - Protocols
  • Encapsulation process
  • Frame addressing
  • Default Gateway

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

29 January 2014

If you find the Windows 7 disc, the sleeve is on my desk.

Everybody's work is on this post in the following order:

  • Comp 1 - Operating Systems
  • IC3 - Complete Lesson 1 and 2. 3 is on this post
  • Intro (bottom of the post)- Computer Buying Project - use the rubric

Comp 1 - IT Essentials

Scroll down and find the blog 'ITE - Week Ending 31 Jan 2014' - May have to click older posts.

You are responsible for reading and completing the Study Guide for 5.1 and 5.2

Study Guide can be found on the Google Drive

Video Links for OS lessons:

***Do not work on any equipment.

***If we switch over to generator again today, press the green button by the door to restore power to the room and stop the beeping from the server rack.

  • If you finish this watch a TED Talk or work on your independent project.  
  • Leave a comment on what your project status or the TED that you watch.  Those of you who did not leave a comment about your progress on Monday, will be receiving 1's in your grade book - You may want to add a note to today's work about last class if you want that changed.


Zach and Donald - Refer to previous Blog entries on Lesson 1 and Lesson 2.

Donald - please send or share your answers to Lesson 1 -

Complete Lesson 2 (according to blog assignment)

Lesson 3 is very short.

Computer Protection

  • Protect computer hardware from theft and damage
  • Safeguard data
  • Identify environmental factors that can damage computers
  • Protect computers from power loss land fluctuation
  • Identify common computer hardware problems
  • backup
  • data theft
  • driver
  • encryption
  • humidity
  • ping 
  • power spikes 
  • surge suppressor
  • uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

  • Read Chapter 3 (it is short)
  • Step by Step 3.1
  • Read Summary and Answer Lesson Review Questions
  • Project 3-3.  There have been several high profile hacks lately - think of Target.
Reference sites:

Intro to Programming

Take a look at your previous post.  We are continuing the Computer Buying Project.

Follow the rubric when creating your final project.

Presentations will be Friday!!

Moving on .......

We have explored hardware and are now moving onto data.

Programming is creating a set of instructions that tell the hardware what to do.  We are usually writing programs that collect or manipulate data to produce usable information.

For next class:

What do you think about when you hear the word data?  Where can it be found?  Where does it come from?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

30 January 2014 - CCNA



  • Explain how devices on a network access resources
  • Understand how messages are segmented, addressed and sent

New Terms:

protocol data unit (PDU)
data, segment, packet, frame, bit
data encapsulation
network address
source IP address,  destination IP address
data link address
source data link address,  destination IP data link address
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
default gateway

Do Before Class

Read all of 3.3 - Moving Data in the Network and the Summary

Do in Class

  • Activity - Identify the PDU Layer
  • Packet Tracer - Explore a Network (graded)
  • Lab - Using Wireshark to View Network Traffic
  • Activity - Guaranteed to work
********Screen Shot Your Work************

Network Protocols and Communications Summary:

Sums it up quite nicely: