Sunday, April 13, 2014

14 April 2014 - Networking for IT Essentials

Let's finish making cables.
  Follow lab use a piece of masking tape to label the cable w your name.
  Packet tracer

Review logical and physical topologies - 6.5.1
  Packet tracer

Ethernet standards 6.6
IEEE 802.3 = CSMA/CD  what is that?

Create a table of wireless standards

Read and take notes on 6.7 & do the end of section activity.

OSI Model video link.  Use to take notes.

A good reference 

Today we will complete our rendering of the OSI model on the wall.

Create your own mnuemonic for OSI - Make a poster listing network installation steps - use words, pictures.....
  Everyone can make their own on a sheet of 8 x 11

Keep reading about NIC installation - we only have 2 wireless NICs. Do the Packet tracer lab.

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