Tuesday, May 20, 2014

ITE 21 May 2014

Chapter 8 Review       Mobile Devices

Downloading apps:
    Google Play, iTunes
     push, pull, side loading

Device buttons and system functionality

Security 8.4.2

Components:  Flash, Sim, Batteries

Touch screen technology

Trouble shooting - review common problems and repair options


Rooting and Jailbreaking

Cell Standards - 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G

email protocols

Take some time to review the above topics and your test feedback then retake chapter 8

Start chapter 9 - Printers

Read 9.0, 9.1 and 9.2
Take notes and creat a table of characteristics, pros and cons
Sketch out the printing process of a laser jet.

Read 9.3
Grab a printer - brother in front of my desk, one from the back room, the one under the windows, .....
Install it one one of my computers.  You may have to download the drivers.

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